Friday, November 19, 2010

When use of technology can go too far

The presentation about the live streaming sites is blessing. CUA's cable service doesn't provide the channels I need to watch any sporting events. `i had heard of before, but I had forgot about it and thankfully I have found out about it again. `The sites are really a golden ticket, they give viewers a vast field on which they could potentially watch anything they wish. `The ability to watch live concerts just blows my mind. However, like the cons of it, such as the Rutgers case and others. I remember the first news story I had heard like that was about a young adult who was a fan of a band, whose name escapes me, who killed himself online due to the bands lyrics. It's upsetting things such as this that add to the problems of innovations such as this.

`I was browsing the internet, check that, the web the earlier today and I found an interesting article that relates "hypertexting" amongst teenage adults to other dangerous activities.  `When I first saw the headline to this website, I was unclear as to what "hypertexting" meant; according to the article, it refers to a person who sends over 120 text messages during the school day.  The article goes on to say that people who fall into this category tend to experiment with cigarettes, drinking, and binge drinking.  After about halfway through the article or so, I bgan to wonder if they would mention anything about texting and driving, surely they did.  The author discusses that use of the technology in particular areas can absolutely cause problems (texting and driving), but consistent use of these mobile technologies may prove most fatal.  `The same high schoolers were also surveyed on social networking site use.  The same results were shown prevalent in this study as the cell phone use.  I believe the relation between these two uses (SNS and cell phones) and social situations.  However, I don't believe that that's all there is to it.  I can't help, though, to believe that there must be some relation between these survey results and the regrettable outcomes that we discussed of the streaming sites.

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