Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Not-So-Nice Holidays

Yahoo recently came out saying that they would be firing roughly 650-700 today, the 14th.  I can't imagine how that must feel for not only the employees who will be receiving the untimely news this holiday season, but also the remaining employees of Yahoo.  The majority of the layoffs will take place in the U.S. offices of Yahoo proving that our economy still has yet to bounce back.  The article states that these firings are unavoidable if Yahoo wishes to "improve revenue and spur growth."  However, the most interesting part of the article that I would like to ask you all about is in regards to the manner in which Yahoo is going about relieving these employees of their jobs: "Those let go will be notified tomorrow and will likely have to leave Yahoo facilities immediately."  This is my question, given the time of year and magnitude of the layoffs, do you feel it is necessary for not only Yahoo but companies in general to notify workers in advance if they are to be fired?

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